
Newfield Primary School

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Modern Foreign Languages - Spanish

Languages at Newfield


At Newfield Primary School, our pupils and staff come from diverse ethnic backgrounds with many speaking more than one language. The main languages spoken at the school are Somali, Arabic, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Tamil, Urdu and Pashto. 


The core language taught at Newfield is Spanish and we follow Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme of work which aims to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures. Our intent is for all pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, using both written and spoken Spanish. We aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to other languages, facilitates further language study and opens future opportunities beyond school. This is built upon carefully sequenced lessons which contain three main knowledge strands:

  • Phonics
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar


Pupils connect these building blocks of knowledge to create meaning in a variety of contexts, allowing them to develop their skills language comprehension (listening and reading) and language production (speaking and writing.) Ample opportunities are provided to ensure that children practise new learning across all four modalities.


Through the various units, Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme of work supports pupils to meet the National curriculum end of Key stage 2 attainment targets (there are no Key stage 1 attainment targets for languages).  The progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary shows the knowledge, skills and progressive vocabulary that are taught within each year group and how these develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of Key stage 2


At Newfield Primary School we know that, within the context of SEND, personalisation of the curriculum is key so that each individual’s priorities can be considered in order to prepare them adequately for adulthood with the best possible quality of life. The Kapow curriculum can therefore be successfully adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know with increasing fluency and independence. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners in all subjects and that pupils with SEND achieve the very best outcome and reach their full potential.

MFL National Curriculum

MFL - Progression of Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary
