
Newfield Primary School

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Curriculum and Assessment


All pupils in Laurel Class will access the National Curriculum and, wherever possible, aspects of the National Curriculum for their chronological year group. Our model for the timetable and the school day reflects the Early Years Foundation Stage model with free flow table top activities linked to the learning, small group work and personalised teaching throughout the day. Pupils access learning inside and outside the classroom throughout the day and in all weathers.


The children take part in PE in the school hall, and visit the library weekly. We also offer enrichment opportunities each term. Examples includes visits from the Zoo Lab, The Freshwater Theatre Company and local visits to the park and market.


Where children are included for part of the week in their mainstream class, access to that curriculum area may be additionally supported from within Laurel Class. An individual plan / timetable is created for each child.


Curriculum access follows the following principles:

  • Curriculum planning takes account of the different year groups within the class. The ARP Teacher follows overviews and planning for the National Curriculum year group in the main school as closely as possible, with adaptations.
  • The curriculum is adapted to meet each child’s needs through the use of Action Autism, the Engagement Model approach, EYFS and Pre-Curriculum approaches to teaching and learning. Soft skills and individual targets are focused on throughout the week. We also dedicate a whole day to functional skills each week (Functional Friday).
  • Laurel class is a mixed age class. Teaching is adapted with this in mind, taking account of each child’s academic needs and individual strengths. Teaching and learning is also adapted through planning to meet the needs of the individual child linked to the targets in their EHCP and individual therapy plans. Account is taken of the child’s special interests and this is incorporated into their learning as much as possible.
  • Personal Intervention Plans are created and assessed each term to ensure that children are making progress towards their targets. The children’s specific objectives and targets identified in their EHCP are met partly through the delivery of the National Curriculum and partly through specific interventions.
  • Clear daily routines are in place and are followed to maximise learning for the pupils and to minimise stress.
  • The learning environment is designed to create a calm space; pupils are not over-stimulated. There is a clear layout with separate areas for group sessions, therapeutic input, break out spaces and sensory play. Resources are clearly labelled.
  • Staff use non-verbal language, scaffolds, picture cues and visual supports such as visual timetables and now and next boards to ensure consistency for the pupils.
  • Concepts are reinforced by using language appropriate to the comprehension level of the child.



Assessment of children’s progress is mostly through formative assessment processes including observations of pupils’ responses to group learning and in personalised tasks. We expect pupils to make regular small steps of progress in their learning.  


We use BSquared to track progress in subject areas as well as the Engagement Model Level, EYFS and Pre-Key Stage.


We hold regular Parents’ Meetings and have an open-door policy. Parents and/or carers are welcome to speak to the class teacher outside of the school day and view their child’s learning whenever they wish to.
