
Newfield Primary School

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PSHE at Newfield 

The intent of Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education at Newfield Primary School is to provide age-appropriate knowledge, skills, and understanding to children that will equip them with the knowledge and confidence they need to lead healthy and happy lives and develop their strength of character. Our PSHE curriculum is designed to prepare pupils to develop and maintain healthy, respectful, and positive relationships, keeping themselves and others safe. Additionally, it plays an important role in developing pupils' cultural capital, moral, and social growth, enhancing their emotional resilience, well-being, and mental agility and promotes British values.


At Newfield Primary School we know that, within the context of SEND, personalisation of the curriculum is key so that each individual’s priorities can be considered in order to prepare them adequately for adulthood with the best possible quality of life. Our ambitious curriculum can be successfully adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know with increasing fluency and independence. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners in all subjects and that pupils with SEND achieve the very best outcome and reach their full potential. ​


We also provide high-quality pastoral support so each child feels safe, happy, involved in the school community and are able to achieve the very best that they can. Supporting  pupils' mental health and well-being is central to the school's ethos and provision. To find out more about how we support pupils personal development please click here.

PSHE Curriculum Overview
