
Newfield Primary School

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The Governing Body – Newfield Primary School


Co-Chairs of the Governing Body: Maranda Ikepba and Kim Beat 



The role of the Governing Body is to support the school and ensure that it is effectively led and managed with the view of promoting high standards of educational achievement. The Governors act together and not as individuals.


Governors support, challenge and monitor the school's performance. We evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s leadership and the management of the quality and standards of education and behaviour. This is done to support the well-being and personal development of the students at Newfield. We embrace the School Motto “Everyone Learning Together” and we keep the school vision at the core of our Governing Body decisions and actions.


The Governors meet at least twice a term. We are also invited to visit the school during the term to gain an overview on specific school themes e.g. Curriculum, Assessment, SEND, Safeguarding etc.


Please see the link below for information about the Governors at Newfield. The panel is made up of the Head who is a permanent member, staff, parent, local authority (LA) and co-opted governors. Each governor has specific delegated roles which include statutory responsibilities (for example, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Safeguarding). They are also members of committees. The areas that we discuss are: Curriculum, Finance, Staffing and all other governing matters. The Governors have oversight of these areas to ensure that the school meets all Government requirements.


Governors can be contacted via the school. Where an issue or difficulty may arise, please ensure that this is first communicated to the school through the class teacher/ Headteacher. Please see the Complaints Policy on the Newfield Primary School website which outlines the School’s complaints process. The Complaints Policy also sets out the Governors responsibilities. 


The Clerk to the Governing Body is Farha Patel. Amongst other duties, her role is to provide advice to the governing body on governance, constitutional and procedural matters and to produce effective administrative support. She also produces the minutes of our Governing Body meetings which can be obtained from the School upon request.


For more information about the role of the Governor, please see:


The Department for Educations Governors’ handbook:


Information from the National Governors Association:
