
Newfield Primary School

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West London Zone

West London Zone (WLZ) 


WLZ is a targeted early intervention programme that provides additional opportunities and support to children according to their individual needs. The programme helps children and young people build the relationships and skills they need to get on track socially, emotionally and academically to thrive in adulthood.
Partnering with schools and charities working locally, sharing our knowledge and insight, bringing together the whole community -  government, charities, schools, families and funders - to work together to support each child. This is done by building trusted relationships, providing specialist support and joining up each child’s support system, including families, schools and local organisations, to deliver a personalised 2-year support plan for each child.
Based in schools link workers work with families, WLZ colleagues, teachers and partner organisations to plan, co-ordinate and deliver a two year programme of support for children and young people.


Our Link Worker is called Anta. 


To find out more about WLZ please click here to visit their website. 

