
Newfield Primary School

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Policies & Procedures

Anti-Bullying Policy

Appraisal/Performance Policy for Staff in Schools

Charging and Remissions Policy

Collective Worship

Complaints Policy

Digital Online Acceptable Use Policy

Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

Early Career Teacher Induction Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Information and Objectives

EYFS Policy

First Aid Policy

Governors' Allowances Policy

Guide For Safer Working Practice

Health & Safety Policy

Home School Agreement

Intimate Care Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Online Safety Policy

Physical Education and Healthy Active Lifestyles Policy 2023

Packed Lunch Policy

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Information for Parents

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safer Recruitment and Employment (including DBS)

School Uniform Policy

Special Educational Needs Policy

Special Education Needs Information Report

Staff Code of Conduct Policy

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Newfield

Visitors Policy

Whistleblowing Procedure and Policy
