The Curriculum
At Newfield the school values inform our vision for all aspects of school life, including the curriculum.
The curriculum is designed to nurture ambition in our children to achieve the very best that they can from their own starting points. We provide a coherently planned, well-planned, sequenced & progressive curriculum from EYFS to Year 6. It is a broad & balanced curriculum, informed by the National Curriculum but enriched beyond the scope of the National Curriculum. Pupils are provided with a rich curriculum offer at Newfield, which intentionally reflects aspects of their home backgrounds particularly through the choices of teaching in English (text choices), Religious Education ( the teaching of faiths represented within and beyond our community), Geography (the people and places studied), Art and Design (choices of artists) and History (the people and places studied).
We want our pupils to be well prepared for the next stage of their education- to be able to talk confidently and fluently in English, to be literate, numerate and equipped with IT skills to prepare them for accessing learning now and into the future. We do talk about and promote career paths with our pupils promoting the belief that they can be aspirational for their own futures in education and in work.
We recognise that many of our pupils do not have English as a first language, some have had no previous schooling on joining us within the primary phase and others might experience other barriers to learning such as SEND. Many of our pupils experience multiple layers of deprivation and our curriculum responds to that. We prioritise the development of oracy through our teaching and within all subjects as the starting point for developing literate pupils. The deliberate teaching of vocabulary; the teaching of phonics and the promotion of Reading and Writing are central to our curriculum offer.
Pupils’ safety, emotional and physical health and well-being are prioritised at Newfield through the PSHE and PE Curriculum and the Behaviour for Learning and Mental Health strategies. The local area presents many challenges to our whole community – we try to equip our pupils with a sense of belonging: everyone is treated with kindness and respect and tolerance is promoted. British Values and the importance of being a good citizen are messages which we promote consistently.
We aim to develop resilient learners: we want to challenge pupils within all subjects. Teachers present learning clearly in order to ensure that pupils understand the intended learning, but they also want to deepen pupils’ knowledge supporting them to make connections and build upon previous learning in all subjects. A comprehensive vocabulary and the ability to read fluently and write at length are central to this.
Pupils are provided with a wide range of opportunities to explore and learn about the world beyond their own doorstep. We want them to explore London; to visit farms and fields; to be immersed in art, theatre and music; to engage in competitive sports and to be creative.
For more information about our school's curriculum please contact the Headteacher by email: or phoning the school office on 0208 961 1566 and making an appointment.