
Newfield Primary School

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Learners of the term-July 2024

Summer Fair July 2024

Y5 DT Project-Making Pies

Careers Week- Y5 National Grid Workshop

Music Concert 2024

AndCircus group showcasing their skills

Faith and Spirituality Week

International Clothing and Food Day (Friday 28th June 2024)

Art Exhibition (Thursday 27th June 2024)

Orchard Project update: Watering the apple trees (Wednesday 19th June 2024)

Sports Day for Year 1-6 (Tuesday 18th June 2024)

Father's Day lunch-Monday 17th June 2024

Green for Grenfell-Friday 7th June 2024

Father's Day Lunch- Friday 14th June 2024

Y5 Flying Physics

Maths Challenges certificates

Y6 Kew Gardens

Y1 Willesden Fire Station

Poetry Recital Competition- May 2024

Spring Disco-May 2024

Mother's Day Lunch and Eid Celebrations-Monday

Mother's Day Lunch and Eid Celebrations-Friday

Pupils with 100% attendance so far this academic year

Learners of the term-Spring 2024

Story in a box competition winners

Reception at Harlesden Community Garden

Spelling Bee Final 2024

Choir at Wembley Arena- Voice in a Million

World Book Day 2024

Red Nose Day 2024

Y5 DT Project - Lighthouses

Y5 Central Mosque

Reclaimed Wood After School Club

The Orchard Project

Mahogany Arts- Chinese New Year Dragon

Reception- Making pancakes

Y6 British Museum

Y5 and 6 Beauty and the Beast Pantomime

Year 4 London Mithraeum

Learners of the Term

Winter Production 2023

Nativity 2023- The Sleepy Shepherd

Christmas Lunch 2023

Year 5 National Portrait Gallery

Y2 National Maritime Museum

Healthy Living Day

Healthy Living Day in the ARP

Y1 Natural History Museum

EYFS - We're Going On A Bear Hunt activities

3 Cherry's visit to The British Museum

Maths Week England

EYFS- Painting Poppies

EYFS- Room On The Broom

EYFS -Roundwood Park walk

Year 6 Bikeability 


Y6 Kew Gardens

Year 6 Play - Wind in the Willows

Music Concert

Cultural Fortnight

Reception Trip to Harlesden Library

Years 3-6 Spanish Trip

Year 3 trip to Natural History Museum

Father's Day Lunch

Sports Day

Spanish Trip

Year 2 Trip to Pizza Express

Learners of the Term 2023

King's Coronation

Peter Pan

Year 1 Trip to Roundwood Park

Year 2 Trip to the Science Museum

Year 2 Trip to the Cutty Sark

Spooky Disco

Rangoli Patterns

Year 2 Trip to the London Aquarium

Day 4


Last night we had a talent show hosted by Roberta and Asma – Ashleigh won first place and the Aasiyah came second! This morning we took part in a team building game called the Maze of Crystals! We had to problem solve and work together as a team. For lunch we ate fish fingers and chips. This afternoon we have been pond dipping and looking at pond creatures. Tonight we will be having hot chocolate by the camp fire and (we think) a party before bed!


We are looking forward to coming home tomorrow but we will really miss being at Gordon Brown. We know we have to say goodbye to all of the animals and the GBC staff (especially Gavin, Dan, Terry and Steve).


Love Nada Y, Fatima and Roberta

Day 3

Last night’s night walk was scary but we looked after each other and made sure everyone okay. We travelled through a WW2 bomb shelter which was pitch-black (as we turned off all of our torches). This morning we learnt how to make a fire and cooked popcorn on it (Damari did not like it as it was burnt). This afternoon we made some environmental art which was the Newfield Primary School logo out of leaves, sticks and conkers. We are having macaroni cheese for dinner. Tonight we are having a talent show – which will be judged by Nunzio, Adam and Blessy!


Everyone misses their mum but we know we will be home soon.


Asher, Nunzio, Damari and Kanye

Day 2

We all had a great sleep last night (even though the boys woke up at 6am). Faris and Abdirisak helped to make our delicious breakfast which was cereal, toast and orange juice. We fed the animals their breakfast at 8:30am and after that we got ready for our first activity which was archery. Anna-Rose and Nada M were incredible archers and both hit the gold target! In our free time we played Hide and Seek in the field and woods. We had a delicious lunch which was sausage, mash potatoes, carrots and gravy. For dessert we had shortbread. This afternoon we chilled out in our bedrooms and then got into partners and completed the blind fold trail and low ropes course. Tonight we will going on a big night walk and we are looking forward to having our hot chocolate and biscuits before bed.


We miss so much and wish you were here with us.


Makeda, Asma, Anna-Rose, Yasmin, Nada M and Oliver


p.s. A message for my mum: I wish you were here so we could pet the rabbits together J (Makeda)

p.p.s A message for my mum: I hope you are having a good time whilst I am here (Asma)

Day 1

Once we arrived at the GBC we neatly unpacked our things in our cosy dormitories and made ourselves at home. After this we ate lunch which was burgers with wonderful wedges and juicy sweetcorn. We had chocolate cake or rice crispy cakes for pudding – which was delicious. This afternoon we met and fed the animals (rabbits, chickens, pigs, donkeys and goats). We also met Lucky Larry (the tree) who we will tell you about when we see you next. We are playing now until dinner time which is pasta and salad, with a dessert of fresh fruit. Tonight we will be having a DVD night and we can’t wait to sleep in our triple-decker bunk beds!

Love you lots and see you soon.


Natalia, Aasiyah, Dotty, Jude, Shaniyah and Nuha

School Council Meets Prince William
